Tuesday, March 4, 2025

What does science say about “Carrot Claws”.. “Tik Tok Challenge”?


A beauty trend called “carrot tanning” is gaining popularity on the TikTok app. It claims that eating three carrots a day will give you a “natural tan”. What is the truth in this? Is it healthy?

Why does carrot affect skin tone?

Carotenoids are natural pigments that give fruits and vegetables their red, orange, and yellow colors.Scientific alert“.

Contains many carotenoids including lutein, lycopene, alpha carotene and beta carotene.

Beta-carotene is responsible for the orange color of carotene.

Once food containing beta-carotene is digested, special cells in the gut break it down into two molecules of retinol (also known as vitamin A).

Vitamin A is then used in many vital body functions such as vision, reproduction, immunity and growth.

The body regulates the conversion of beta-carotene to vitamin A based on what it needs.

Any excess beta-carotene is stored in the liver and adipose tissue, excreted through the feces, or removed through the sweat glands in the outer layer of the skin.

This can cause an orange “tanning” of the skin, which is medically known as “tanning”.Carotenoderma“.

Carotinoderma gives your skin a yellow/orange color that is different from the same color it turns from sunlight.

Tanning is concentrated on the palms, soles and smile lines near the nose.

Can carrots change skin color?

Eating large amounts of carrots for several days is unlikely to cause skin discoloration.

But there is evidence that caroteroderma appears when blood levels rise above 250-500 µg/dL.

“revealed”Previous course“Eating three kilograms of carrots a week, which is equivalent to about seven large carrots a day, causes changes in skin color.

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Other experts recommend that you eat at least ten carrots a day for at least a few weeks to see color changes, according to the website.Cleveland Clinic“.

Is there a risk?

There is some evidence for taking supplementsBeta caroteneIn high doses (20 mg or more per day) it increases the risk of lung cancer in cigarette smokers or smokers.

Hence, it is recommendedCancer CouncilAvoid high-dose beta-carotene supplements (more than 20 mg per day), especially if you smoke.

But it’s not about whole foods, so smokers should eat fruits and vegetables that contain beta-carotene.

And you can use food to look good without focusing on eating carrots.

Including lots of colorful vegetables in your diet, especially those rich in carotenoids, can promote a natural glow and smooth improvement in skin tone.

A variety of fresh vegetables provide a variety of nutrients, and some may lack in others.

Hence, it is important to follow a balanced diet that does not depend on one type of vegetable.

Nadia Barnett
Nadia Barnett
"Award-winning beer geek. Extreme coffeeaholic. Introvert. Avid travel specialist. Hipster-friendly communicator."

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