Telegram recently announced the Stories feature on Telegram, a feature that allows users to post posts, be it images or short video clips, that will be automatically deleted after 24 hours, a feature provided by the app. Snap chat Snapchat was the first and most social media apps copied it including Instagram, Facebook, TikTok, WhatsApp and more.
And he said Pavel Durov The company’s founder and CEO, through his official channel, said that he was against launching the Telegram Stories feature as it was available in other apps, but the company decided to provide the same experience to users. They get it from other messaging and communication apps.
What are the benefits of stories in Telegram stories?
The most important features of Stories on Telegram are:
- Privacy: The ability to specify who can see each story, everyone, personal contacts only, some contacts only, or a list of close friends.
- Simple design: Telegram chose to rely on a simple interface for the Stories feature, so that Stories appear at the top of chats in an expandable section, making them easy to access without taking up too much space on the interface.
- Extensive control options: This allows Telegram users to hide messages posted by any contact and move them to the “Hidden Contacts” list instead of the main screen.
- Topics: Telegram Stories includes captions and tag others to add more context or links to stories, as well as several photo editing tools.
- Dual Camera Support: Stories can be published on Telegram that include photos and videos taken together by the front and rear cameras.
- Control when stories appear: Telegram users can choose when stories appear for 6, 12, 24 or 48 hours, with the ability to permanently display stories on your profile page with privacy settings for each.
- Interact with Stories: Like Instagram and other apps, you can respond to Stories on Telegram via text messages or by interacting with them.
Explore content from different users, including groups or channel comments, with the ability to save stories to appear on a profile page or Telegram profile. To promote the channels, the company also said that sharing content from Telegram channels will be offered directly in Stories. And get more subscribers.
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When will Telegram Stories be available to users?
Telegram users can choose when Stories appear in 6, 12, 24, or 48 hours, each with their own privacy settings with the ability to permanently display Stories on your profile page.
What time do stories appear on Telegram?
Telegram has confirmed that the Stories feature is now in the testing phase and will be officially available to users in July 2023.
Users can now get the latest version of Telegram app for Android users through the Play Store Google PlayiPhone and iPad users can get the latest version of the app Apple App Store.
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