Friday, March 7, 2025


What is the difference between AIDS and HIV?

Dubai, United Arab Emirates (CNN) - Did you know that AIDS is different from the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)? The official account of the "Health...

Rapid mutations in the monkey box virus are preventing scientists

In a study published in the journal Nature Medicine, Portuguese researchers discovered 50 genetic mutations. Viruses They examined when five to 10 mutations...

Morocco .. “Beauty and Madness” exhibition highlights the plight of mental health

Yunus, a former prisoner in Ward 36 of the most popular hospital, says: Mental illness In Morocco: "They carry a mix of life-speaking...

WHO: Monkey pox is not a global health emergency

He said this was followed by a meeting of experts to assess the situation Tetros In a statement, “Currently, it is (an explosion)...


