(MENAFN- Youm7) So far, Asus has been the leader in foldable screen laptops with its Zenbook Fold, but that said
A new report out of Korea says that Apple is working on a laptop with a foldable screen, and that the company is in talks with suppliers to release a MacBook with a foldable screen, a device that could stimulate the now sluggish display market, if it pays off.
According to GSM India website, it will be launched in 2025 followed by 2026. Korean display makers like Samsung Display and LG Display have recently invested heavily in old panels for laptops, now that the smartphone market is largely saturated. The two companies are currently “coordinating development and production plans for foldable OLED panels for laptops,” a growing market for them.
Apple’s order will certainly make a big difference in this small market, and according to the source of the report, larger display sizes will be profitable for panel makers, although larger pixel densities are more difficult to achieve. Foldable screens for laptops are more profitable than foldable screens for smartphones, so this could be a great opportunity for display makers to make extra money in the future.
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