Tuesday, March 4, 2025

On his bicycle from Morocco to Zanzibar


Yusuf, thrilled to see these remote islands in the Indian Ocean, wanders through the Zanzibar market to forget the hardships of his bike ride from Morocco to this remote part of the brown continent.

Youssef Sahsa, a 30-year-old photographer from the city of El-Ayon in southern Morocco, left everything behind and took his bicycle to various parts of the world as a community.

After graduating from Ouarzazate’s cinema company, about 290 km from Marrakesh, the newly graduated student’s vision went beyond the ordinary. While colleagues were looking for work and sending CVs, Yusuf was flirting with his dream and drawing in his mind the route to Africa on his bicycle.

The young man, in an interview with Sky News Arabia, said that the idea of ​​”Africa Dream” was not the product of the moment, but had matured in his mind as a student in 2015.

Since the first target was the cities of Morocco and the valleys on all four sides of Morocco, the idea came to light as soon as he graduated. On his bike, he traveled across the country, discovering other cultures and learning about rituals and traditions previously unknown to him.

According to Yusuf, choosing a bike for the trip was a scary idea at first because it takes a lot of perseverance to walk on, but at the same time it is an easy way and does not require much expense, especially since a student has only kept dirhams to protect his food since he started his adventure.

While walking and touring in Morocco, Youssef Sasha decided to go in a new direction, gazing at the distant horizon, initially fearful but bravely riding the bike with both hands and going inside. “Not now or always,” a voice echoed to him.

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To protect what it was like to travel from Morocco to C டிte d’Ivoire, Yusuf was able to raise the equivalent of a thousand dollars through various remote jobs, which he then manages by working on remote projects.

A few months after he started, the young adventurer was able to pay for entry visas to certain countries and secure a contract with an Italian company that would finance his trip. All his bicycle items, including repairs and spare parts.

Money is not a barrier, but the young man insists that he was able to achieve little by little what the rich in the lot did not. According to the cyclist, it is important to achieve something beautiful, but money is a way.

In four years travelers were able to travel to 24 countries. Yusuf said, “During the difficult moments I lived in Niger, I took a degraded antibiotic, which caused me liver disease. Thanks to medical care I died before I could recover after two weeks.”

One of the jokes that Yusuf tells is that one day he landed in Zambia, so the people of a city invited him for lunch. He was very pleased with it, but he was surprised to find a strange meal; Roasted mouse with a little gravy. The traveler did not think he would eat the rat one day, but told us in a smiling voice that he liked the taste of it very much which was not much different from the taste of chicken.

Yusuf Sahsa ensures that his journey will continue as long as possible. His future destination is Asia and then Europe.

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Rolf Colon
Rolf Colon
"Creator. Award-winning problem solver. Music evangelist. Incurable introvert."

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