NASA is tracking a strange object passing close to Earth, and scientists have warned of its danger
NASA is tracking a strange object passing close to Earth, and scientists have warned of its danger
The American space agency “NASA” took a closer look at an elongated strange object seen earlier and considered it a hazard.
Asteroid 2011 AG5 drew attention with its strange shape when it passed within 17 million km of Earth in early February. This is an important opportunity for the space agency to study the universe.
“Our planetary radar systems have detected 1,040 NEOs so far,” said Lance Benner, head of the observatory.
“But it’s one of the tallest objects we’ve ever seen,” said a scientist at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory.
The body is about 500 meters long and about 150 meters thick.
Scientists say that 2011 AG5 looks like a giant skyscraper like the Empire State Building in America.
The asteroid was first discovered in 2011, and at the time, NASA researchers believed that the probability of the object colliding with Earth was high.
Then, the object found to have a low risk of hitting the ground was removed from the potential risk category.
Despite its long history, astronomers have not yet had the opportunity to study 2011 AG5 in detail.
In the new research, measurements from the Goldstone Solar System Radar in California, USA, provided detailed information about the object.
For example, it was determined that the asteroid completes one revolution on its axis every nine hours.
Astronomers have more precisely revealed the asteroid’s path around the Sun.
Accordingly, the object takes approximately 621 days to complete this orbit.
A UFO will make its next close pass to Earth in 2040.
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