Tuesday, February 25, 2025

“Nafisa Al-Alam”…Egyptians Complete Birthday Celebrations for Mrs. Nafisa..Video and Photos


The Egyptians ended their birthday celebrations for Mrs. Nafisa today, Wednesday, with Sufi orders attending and taking specific statements and offering their services in the streets adjacent to the mosque. Some services provided food. and drinks to the spectators and Ms. Nafisa Square witnessed a heavy presence of policemen and men from the neighbourhood… The celebration was organized in an orderly manner so as not to disturb the traffic in the square and the mosque witnessed. Religious evenings of Quran recitation and prayer.

Nafisa al-Ilm was the granddaughter of Imam Hasan bin Ali. Mrs. Nafisa (Nabisa al-Ilm) was the granddaughter of our master Imam Hasan bin Ali, may God be pleased with him, and her husband Sir Ishaq al-Mu' was her cousin and the grandson of Imam Husayn, may God be pleased with him tmin, who was one of the righteous worshippers, and He dug his own grave with his hand and went down to sit in it. Read the Qur'an in it, she was one of the learned women in the Islamic world, and she was famous for answering her prayers to the extent that Imam al-Shafi'i would always send her to God to pray for her. Whenever a calamity befell her, she fasted when death approached her, and she refused to break her fast, saying, “I asked God to take me to him while fasting.”

She was reciting Surat al-Anaam and when she reached the words of the Almighty, “For them is the abode of peace with their Lord,” her pure soul flowed to her Creator in 208 Hijri, and her grave became famous. Answering the prayer to him, Al-Habis Al-Dahabi said, may Allah have mercy on him, that he was born in Makkah in 145 AH, grew up in Madinah, he would go to the Prophet's mosque, listen to its sheikhs, and receive hadith and jurisprudence from its scholars, and people would call her ” Nicknamed “Precious Knowledge”.

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She performed 30 Hajjs, most of which she performed on her feet, during which she clings to the curtains of the Kaaba and says: “My God, my Lord, my Master, watch over me and make me happy with Your satisfaction with me. Give me no reason to hide You from me.

Zainab, daughter of brother Yahya al-Mu'taj, narrates part of her aunt's life: I served my aunt Nafisa for forty years, and I never saw her sleep at night or break her fast during the day, except on holidays. . So I asked her, “Are you being kind to yourself?” I said, she said, “How can I be kind to myself when there are obstacles in front of me that only conquerors can overcome?” she said.

Zainab also said: My aunt used to eat one meal every three days, and Mrs. Nafisa, her husband, to “Ishaq al-Mu'tmin bin Ja'far bin Muhammad bin Ali bin al-Husayn bin Ali bin Abi Talib, “Al-Qasim and Umm Kulthum.” Had two sons.

She came to Egypt with her husband, father, son and daughter. Mrs. Nafisa was 48 years old and came to visit members of the Prophet's family on Saturday, 26th of Ramadan, 193 AH. In Egypt, after she had visited Jerusalem and the tomb of Hebron, the Egyptians went out when they heard the news of her arrival, and they received her with a great welcome in the city of Al-Arish, and then they accompanied her. Cairo

Did Imam al-Shafi'i ask Ms. Nafiza for prayer as stated?

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Mrs. Nafisa praised Imam Al-Shafi'i, “May God have mercy on Al-Shafi'i. He is good at washing.” He had a stomach ailment and did not live long, and died at an advanced age. 54. When his illness became serious, he sent a messenger to Mrs. Nafisa to pray for his recovery, so she said to the messenger at that time, “May God have mercy on al-Shabi, he did well. Al-Shabi was sure that he would meet his Lord, so he The one who prays on Mrs. Nafisa, she advised in her will that God be pleased with her. And the people prayed. They heard a phone call to him saying, “God Almighty has forgiven the one who prayed on Al-Shafi'i with His blessings.” And Al-Shafi'i was blessed by Mrs. Nafisa's prayer. He also forgave al-Shafi'i. He,” and Imam al-Shafi'i confessed his mercy to him on more than one occasion.

Nadia Barnett
Nadia Barnett
"Award-winning beer geek. Extreme coffeeaholic. Introvert. Avid travel specialist. Hipster-friendly communicator."

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