Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Mental health is a major cause of disability.. (WHO) Key Descriptions


Constitution – Dr. Mark von Omoren of the World Health Organization provided important clarification on the organization’s recently published report, which stated that mental health is the leading cause of disability.

During a televised interview translated by the Institute for Family Health Care, King Hussein Foundation, Mark von Omuron spoke about the results confirming this, noting that less than 1 in 3 people worldwide have access to mental health care.

First question: Dr. Mark tells us about the WHO report that says mental health is a major cause of disability, explain it to us.

Answer: The World Health Organization performs advanced calculations to arrive at such a conclusion. For a person with psychological problems such as depression, such a decision causes severe disability.

In many workplaces, mental health disorders are the leading cause of absenteeism and sick leave, yet are often underreported. Likewise, these conditions are very common and begin in the teenage years, and often go untreated. In fact, less than one in three people worldwide receive health care for their mental health condition.

Second question: Dr. Mark spoke to us about how the pandemic affects our mental health and how can we recognize these symptoms in ourselves or our loved ones?

Answer: As you can imagine, the pandemic has been hard on people’s lives and has really put a spotlight on mental health. Rates of anxiety and depression rose by about 25% in the first year of the epidemic, meaning that about 25% more people suffered from depression or anxiety than before, which is huge.

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In terms of suicide, we haven’t seen an increase in prevalence, which is good news, but we are watching it carefully. For people with severe mental illness, they are more likely to be infected with the virus, more likely to develop severe illness from the virus, and actually more likely to die from the virus. These are very important facts and are not highlighted enough.

In terms of your mental health, if you have persistent anxiety like never before, persistent sadness or depression, the saddest mood you’ve ever felt, drinking too much alcohol, or losing joy and interest in the things you used to love, these are fears, and you should take steps to get help or learn how to manage them.

Question 3: Tell me what people can do to maintain their mental health?

Answer: There are many things one can do to stay mentally healthy. One of the things one can do is to be physically active. It is important for physical health.

The second most important thing is to avoid alcohol. People often use alcohol to make themselves feel better, but it actually makes health problems more complicated and harder to deal with. Third, do something interesting or meaningful every day.

If it sounds fun, talk to a friend or go for a walk. Finally one can practice, one can practice stress management techniques, such as the increasingly popular evidence-based mindfulness exercises.

If you have a mental health problem and these steps aren’t enough, it’s important to seek help from a health professional.

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But if you don’t have a trusted health professional in your community, you should at least talk to a trusted person in your community, perhaps a friend or other person who you feel can discuss, listen and give you feedback. About how to overcome your difficulties.

Also, self-help can be helpful. There are many self-help books and self-help materials on the Internet that, while called assertive behavior therapy, are generally very good.

Nadia Barnett
Nadia Barnett
"Award-winning beer geek. Extreme coffeeaholic. Introvert. Avid travel specialist. Hipster-friendly communicator."

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