Monday, March 3, 2025

“Intuitive” questions that science still can’t answer.. Here are some of the most important


Science has given us exceptional abilities to understand the secrets of the universe, living organisms and nature, however, some mysteries still surround us and remain mysterious even in the world of science.

Despite great scientific progress, there are still some questions that puzzle scientists today, some of which may require more efforts and advances to answer.

In this article, we review the most important questions that science has yet to answer.

1- Why do we dream?

Scientists and sleep experts generally know when people dream, which is during the deep sleep stage known as the fourth stage of sleep, also known as the “rapid eye movement” stage, which is characterized by increased brain activity.

A person may remember some dreams upon waking, but he may quickly forget others or their details may fade from his memory.

But, in fact, researchers still don’t know why we dream. Dreams may be a way to think about the stresses of everyday life, or perhaps escape from them, or a way to protect ourselves from threats and dangers. Along with dozens of other explanations.

Regardless of their purpose, dreams are part of the human experience.

2- How to get rid of cancer?

Each year, more than half a million people die in the United States alone from cancer and its various forms.

Cancer takes many forms and affects many parts of the body, and the disease is known for the uncontrolled proliferation of cells. Tumors enlarge, spread and damage organs, which can cause death.

Cancer is scientifically known to occur when cells in the body grow and reproduce abnormally, and it usually begins when changes occur in the DNA within cells, leading to a loss of their ability to properly control their growth and division.

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These genetic changes can occur due to exposure of the body to external stimuli such as harmful chemicals and radiation, or an error in the normal cell reproduction process.

By some estimates, more than one-third of cancers can be prevented by avoiding cancer-causing habits.

However, prevention is only part of the equation, and genetics plays a big role as many people inherit faulty DNA from their parents and are predisposed to certain types of cancer, even if they lead healthy lives.

These myriad variables and the unique genetic makeup of humans make some scientists question the ability to treat all types of cancer.

On the other hand, thanks to advances in science and cancer treatments that continue to improve and reduce patient suffering.

3- What happens at death?

Every person on this planet has his own view and belief about what will happen to him after his death, but life after death and the existence of a second life is one of the oldest questions that perplexes mankind from a scientific point of view. is a philosophical and spiritual issue.

At the time when scientists understood the first stages of death, there was no conclusive scientific evidence to definitively answer this question.

From a scientific point of view, after death, brain activity ceases, vital functions of the body gradually cease, so that consciousness is extinguished, breathing and heartbeats cease, after which the process of decomposition of the body begins and vital life disappears. .

From a religious or spiritual perspective, it is believed that there is life after death and that the soul can separate from the body and go to another world, while interpretations and beliefs about this world differ between different religions.

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Regardless of personal beliefs, the concept of what happens after death is one of the greatest mysteries that science has yet to definitively reveal.

4- Are we alone in the universe?

This question is one of the cosmic questions that has intrigued man since ancient times. Although some people believe that Earth is the only intelligent life in the universe, researchers say that it is almost impossible for Earth to be the only home. for life.

There may be more than 40 billion habitable planets in our galaxy alone, indicating that the possibility of life elsewhere may be on the cards.

But so far, there is no concrete evidence to prove the existence of extraterrestrial life, and NASA researchers know that they expect to find traces of extraterrestrial life in the next two decades.

Perhaps reinforcing this is the fact that while the conditions on the planets discovered so far do not fully support human life, water, gases, and similar elements necessary for life exist on many planets.

5- Where does awareness come from?

One of the most philosophical and scientific questions that science still cannot definitively answer is the origin of consciousness.

Consciousness is the ability to perceive, understand, and communicate with the environment and oneself, and despite advances in science in understanding the structure of the brain and how it interacts with the outside world, the origin of consciousness is still considered a mystery.

He says that the brain is not the mind, meaning that electrical activity cannot explain how a physical object can produce a non-physical state such as consciousness.

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Some religions interpret consciousness as a gift from God, implanted in our bodies to guide us in this world.

And scientists are moving toward a biological origin, seeing consciousness as a set of biological processes that produce complex thought that culminates in self-awareness.

6- Is time travel possible?

To date, there is no conclusive evidence to prove or categorically disprove the possibility of time travel. The idea of ​​time travel has become popular in movies and works of literature, and it has fueled the interest of scientists with theories such as time holes and some other scientific experiments.

The idea of ​​time travel relies on orienting objects or objects at specific times in an unusual way, moving backwards or forwards in time.

Most current scientific theories do not support the idea of ​​time travel as we know it, and include physical theories such as general relativity and special relativity developed by Albert Einstein. But there are some interesting ideas in advanced hypotheses involving extra dimensions, time worms, and more.

Some argue that if we could try to travel at the speed of light, the world would shrink dramatically compared to the normal world we live in at that time, but even today, the average human cannot travel at the speed of light, if he could, it would tear his body apart.

Nadia Barnett
Nadia Barnett
"Award-winning beer geek. Extreme coffeeaholic. Introvert. Avid travel specialist. Hipster-friendly communicator."

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