Saturday, March 1, 2025

How Muslims Worship Allah


Allah, Arabic for “The God,” or “God” in English, is the unique One, supreme to all other gods and co-equal with God. The god of the Qur’an is not a mythological Zeus or Odin who lives in some remote forest. Rather, it is Allah who creates life and restores it after death.

The word “worship” comes from the Latin “severe,” which means to honor or respect something or somebody. He has sent Prophets to guide humanity and protect them from evil; he sends down guidance through the angel Gabriel.

He makes his love manifest through a revelation from scripture known as the Qur’an. In other words, Allah manifests himself to humankind in many ways by making his will known to them via prophet Muhammad’s teachings.

The Concept Of Worship Of Allah In Islam

All Islam, or submission to Allah, is based on worship. Worship is both the individual and community obligation of Muslims. There are five pillars of Islam, and each is based on worship.

The shahadah, the profession of faith in Islamic monotheism, often takes the form of “There is no god but Allah, and Muhammad is his Prophet.” The two parts are inseparable: The seeker of God’s pleasure must accept that he has sent Muhammad as his final Prophet and must proclaim this truth in this life.

What Is Worship In Islam?

The Arabic word for worship is “ibada,” a transitive verb meaning to serve, do reverence to, or give homage. In its intransitive form, it means simply “to worship.” The term encompasses both rituals and beliefs. Rituals related to worship include the five daily prayers and fasting in the month of Ramadan. Beliefs related to worship have belief in Allah as the Unique One and Muhammad as his final Prophet.

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Muslim worship is defined in the Qur’an as ibadat. Allah has created human beings and made them His vicegerents on earth to perform ibadat for Him, which includes the five daily prayers, Zakath, charity, and Fasting.

The Internal Types Of Worship Of Allah

For Muslims, worship is structured around spirituality and the knowledge of Allah. Ritual worship (Ibaadah) is a prayer that must be performed five times daily. Fasting, the third pillar of Islam, also has ritual aspects.

It involves refraining from eating, drinking, and having sexual relations from sunrise to sunset during the holy month of Ramadan. The primary benefit of fasting is a spiritual one. It teaches Muslims about their relationship with God and keeps them humble. Many also fast for health reasons or to honor a deceased loved one.

The internal acts of worship are related to the believer’s heart and soul: his beliefs and intentions, his submission to Allah’s will, and his love for Allah as manifested in obeying His commands. The two most important aspects of these internal acts are faith (iman) and contentment (sakeena).

The External Types Of Worship Of Allah

External worship means actions that acknowledge Allah. Quran, An-Nisa 4:28 “And Allah wants to lighten for you (your difficulties); and mankind was created weak.” These include the Five Daily Prayers, Almsgiving, and performing Hajj (pilgrimage to Mecca). The external acts of worship are related to the physical aspects of Islam, including the words and actions that acknowledge Allah’s oneness in some way. The Five Daily Prayers.

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The Prayer of Dawn, when the sun has crested the horizon, and the sky is beginning to lighten. Two rak’ahs are recited during this time. The first is for the purpose of heading towards the mosque and starting one’s day’s work or studies — the second is for Allah’s blessings.


The Morning Prayer begins after Fajr with two rak’ahs followed by tea, breakfast, and finishing one’s work or studies. This prayer is recited in a graveyard before participating in burial rites for family members who have passed away.


The Evening Prayer is recited at the end of each day. This prayer differs slightly before sunset and after sunset. After sunset, the last rak’ah is said in a graveyard or on one’s way to the mosque for Jum’ah (Friday) prayers.

Prayer during specific times of day has also been deemed an act of worship. Prayer at or near sunrise and sunset is considered especially sacred in Islam, for the wisdom contained in such times is not available to humans until they have slept enough to be ready for such spiritual contemplation. The two rak’ahs during these times are called ‘Tarawih.’

Fajr and Isha

These prayers must be said in congregation in a mosque on the appointed days. They are called the ‘Salat (prayers)’ since they involve a congregation and a leader, such as an Imam, who leads the congregation.

As these are obligatory (fard) prayers, they must be performed daily according to Qur’anic direction. An exception can be made if one is ill or traveling a long distance. In that case, one performs only two waafil (permissible).

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The Purpose Of Worship In Islam

The act of worship is primarily directed to Allah as He exists and is not to be directed to any created being. Any act of worship directed at anyone else or anything else would be considered a form of Shirk (polytheism). To run an act of worship at another being would be regarded as an insult to Allah.

The object of worship in Islam is, therefore, God, His Name, His Attributes, and His Works. Worship means the submission offered by humans only to Allah, Who has no partner. But He may have creatures that help Him in His creation and other affairs.

The Bottom Line

Muslims believe in Allah, and they worship Allah. They worship Allah by five daily prayers, by giving charity, by performing Hajj at least once in their lifetime, and by reciting the Quran. These five daily prayers are also called ‘Salat.’

Worship is a practice of honoring God and addressing Him. Worship has been found in nearly all cultures throughout history. The earliest evidence of worship is a cave painting from about 30,000 years ago depicting a bear-like figure performing a ritual dance accompanied by animals and other figures seen as having religious significance.

Stuart Wagner
Stuart Wagner
"Professional coffee fan. Total beer nerd. Hardcore reader. Alcohol fanatic. Evil twitter buff. Friendly tv scholar."

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