InvestigationWhen the businessman set up his company in Dubai, spyware Pegasus targeted the phone of Russian multi-billionaire Pavel Duro on behalf of the United Arab Emirates.
“For almost six years, Telegram has not been able to report any major data breach or security breach to the extent of affecting WhatsApp once every six months.” In mid-May 2019, a few days later WhatsApp security breach revealed, Used by the NSO Group to install its Pegasus spyware, apparently pleased Pavel Trov, the Russian founder of Telegram News. In a long, sometimes conspiratorial blog post, he said Telegram is structurally more secure than its main competitor against spyware.
At the time of writing, Mr. Throw was unaware that he had targeted his own phone the previous year with NSO software on behalf of one of their customers in the UAE. The world The Federation of Forbidden Stories could not verify whether Mr Duro’s phone was actually compromised – the multi-billionaire who spends his time between London, Dubai and many other capitals, did not respond to our requests. The NSO, which denies some of the information released this week, told Prohibited Stories that Mr Drow’s phone was not targeted or monitored, without specifying what source it was based on. This is Mr. The UK number, which is linked to Dro’s personal telegraph account, is on the list of numbers analyzed by “Project Pegasus”
Shortly after the Federation’s articles were published, Mr Drove posted a lengthy post on his Telegram account explaining that he had “Be careful from 2018 onwards [son] The target list was on the surveillance equipment ”, But he “Nurseries[t] Since 2011, when [il résidait] Still in Russia, consider everything [ses] Phones were under surveillance. ”
Cryptocurrency program
A colorful and controversial figure, Pavel Troy has always been interested in many intelligence services – his communications use is used by many activists from all walks of life, including heads of state, including Emmanuel Macron. The former co-founder of Vondaktay’s Telegram, nicknamed “Russian Facebook” – this high-level entrepreneur and programmer was expelled from the oversight committee of the Russian-speaking social network in 2014.
In the heart of the Libertarian, Mr. Drove, on several occasions, has publicly denied the accounts of Vladimir Putin’s opponents, including Alexei Navalny, on the social networks he created, insisting that he could have verified it without him, denying any cooperation with the Russian security services.
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