- Leo Sands
- BBC News
Scientific interpretation of the newly discovered tantosterone session
Scientists in Argentina have discovered fossil remains of a bus-sized giant flying reptile.
Called the “Death Dragon” by scientists, this reptile hunted for prey from the sky about 86 million years ago.
Its wingspan, when fully extended, is nine meters (30 feet) from one end to the other.
The scientist behind the discovery told the BBC that the sheer size of this predatory creature paints a “terrifying scene”.
Project leader Leonardo Ortiz said: ‘This species is similar in length to the giraffe, and its wings are’ beyond the scope of our biological understanding ‘.
The remains of this bird have been preserved in the Andes rocks for 86 million years, meaning that this flying creature lived during the same period with the dinosaurs.
Newly discovered steroidal bones and fossils have been buried in rocks for 86 million years.
Artis was one of the first archaeologists to discover the fossils of these reptiles during excavations in Argentina in 2012.
He chose the name “Danadostrocon Amaru” for this species; Because it combines the words death and dragon in Greek.
“It seems appropriate to call it that … it’s a dragon of death,” Artis said in an earlier interview.
Archaeologist Leonardo Ortiz next to a life-size copy of a newly discovered organism
It is believed that this animal was one of the first hunters to fly in the prehistoric sky on Earth before the evolution of birds and use its wings to hunt prey.
Despite this, Artis told the BBC that the hunter may have spent most of his life on Earth.
The details of the prehistoric way of life of this species are still limited, but Artis pointed out that a pair of these species were found together in different sizes as evidence that this type of predator lived in groups.
These terrifying reptiles lived in a catastrophic event about 20 million years before an asteroid collided with Earth, which led to the extinction of three-quarters of the animal and plant species, marking the end of the Cretaceous.
Also in 2017, fossils of an old pterosaur from the Jurassic period, 170 million years ago, were discovered on the Scottish island of Sky with wingspan of 2.5 meters (8 feet).
In 2012, a team of archaeologists discovered the remains of this animal in the Andes Mountains in Argentina.
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