- Jessica Madet
- The future of the BBC
If you visit any of the fertility chat rooms on the Internet, one of the main topics discussed is what foods women should eat to increase their chances of pregnancy and having babies. A variety of nutritional supplements are promoted as helpful in increasing fertility, and there are a variety of foods that contribute to a healthy pregnancy.
But amidst all these myths and marketing slogans, what is the evidence to support the idea that eating certain foods leads to increased male or female fertility and promotes normal fetal development?
First, when it comes to contributing to the health of a pregnant woman or fetus, few nutrients can make a real difference, like folic acid. Consuming it before and during pregnancy has been shown to help prevent the birth defect called “anencephaly” and spina bifida in the fetus.
Because these defects usually develop early in pregnancy, before a woman realizes she is pregnant, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in the United States recommends that all women of childbearing age take 400 micrograms of folic acid daily. Fortifying staple foods such as breakfast cereals with folic acid may provide strong protection against these abnormalities, as many pregnancies are unintended. In 2019, it was estimated that effective folic acid fortification programs prevented 22 percent of cases of anencephaly and spina bifida worldwide.
Folic acid may have an additional benefit: when taken by women trying to conceive, it may increase their chances of becoming pregnant, although more tests are needed to prove this.
But what about other nutritional supplements? Is there really a diet that increases the chances of getting pregnant?
To answer this question, it is useful to first review the main causes of infertility. In the United States, 15 percent of couples are infertile after one year of unprotected sex. There could be many reasons for this. On the woman’s side, the ovaries may not be able to produce healthy eggs or the eggs may not be able to move from the ovary to the uterus – for example because of the fallopian tube. Even if the egg successfully makes the journey, it may fail to attach to the lining of the uterus or die after attachment.
On the male side, sperm quality is very important for fertility. These include their ability to move effectively, their shape, size and number. Many factors can threaten sperm quality, including environmental problems such as pollution. Even after testing, the cause of infertility is not always clear, as 15 percent of infertility cases are unknown.
While there’s no single diet or supplement that can quickly fix these potential problems, experts say the quality of your diet can be beneficial during and after trying to conceive.
The most obvious thing is that proper nutrition is essential. The effects of malnutrition can be devastating to the health of parents.
Arguably the most famous results reached in the field was a study involving babies carried by mothers during the so-called “Dutch Hunger Winter” of 1944, eight months after the Nazis cut off food. Materials from the Netherlands at the end of World War II. Pregnant women live on only 400 calories a day, which is a small percentage of the recommended diet for a healthy pregnancy.
Babies born during that period faced many serious health consequences because they were shorter and thinner and had smaller heads than babies born before or after. As adults, they had higher rates of obesity, diabetes and schizophrenia, and died younger.
It is important for people who get enough food to eat the right combination of nutrients. While discussions about healthy diets typically focus on female fertility, there is now a growing awareness of how diet affects male fertility as well.
A study of couples who had reproduced through in vitro fertilization found that the men’s meat consumption, and specifically the types of meat, affected the outcomes of these procedures. Eating more poultry had a positive effect on fertility rates, while eating processed meat (such as sausage and cured ham) had a negative effect. Men who ate the least processed meat had an 82 percent chance of impregnating their wives, while men who ate the most processed meat had only a 54 percent chance.
Even after conception, the quality of foods eaten by the father can indirectly affect the fetus.
A study conducted by researchers at the Australian University of Queensland found that what parents eat has a lasting impact on their children’s health. A team of researchers analyzed data from nearly 200 couples who received antenatal care at Mater Mothers Hospital in Brisbane, Australia’s largest maternity hospital. The study found that what men eat has a significant impact on women. Other studies indicate that a father’s weight can influence the weight of children over a generation.
“The relationship between fertility and men’s health and nutrition is often overlooked, but it is very important,” says Shelley Wilkinson, a nutritionist and one of the researchers involved in the study at the University of Queensland. their grandchildren.”
Wilkinson also stresses the importance of both moms and dads making necessary changes to their diets: “If one partner follows dietary guidelines, the other is more likely to do the same. We need to focus on helping women and men stay healthy. Changes, or we lose.” Half the battle.”
One change that can help is increasing the amount of fat in a couple’s diet — the healthy kind. Healthy fats are found in nuts, seeds, salmon, avocado and olive oil. Saturated fatty acids — found in natural and synthetic sources, such as butter, donuts, fried foods and other processed foods — increase the risk of infertility.
A diet that includes lots of plants can also help. Researchers at the Harvard School of Public Health analyzed the foods eaten by 18,555 women during the eight years they were pregnant or trying to conceive. For example, researchers found that consuming plant protein found in legumes was associated with a more than 50 percent lower risk of infertility than animal protein found in foods like red meat.
In 2021, the authors of a scientific review of research into the potential relationship between diet and female fertility concluded that, although their recommendations focused on women, “diet and dietary patterns are undoubtedly of great importance in relation to male and female fertility.”
The researchers looked in detail at the effects of individual nutrients and foods containing them. They also focused on the importance of employing a nutritionist as part of the care provided to couples planning pregnancy.
In general, researchers recommend eating foods such as vegetables, fruits, whole-wheat pasta and whole-wheat bread (as a source of carbohydrates), sources of healthy fats such as fatty fish, and sources of protein such as legumes. Eggs and low-fat red meat.
They also pointed out the important role that certain nutrients play, despite their neglect. It contains iodine, which helps in the healthy development of the fetus and the health of the thyroid gland in the pregnant woman.
When it comes to drinking alcohol, the advice is clear and consistent across studies. “There is no safe dose when pregnant or trying to become pregnant,” says the CDC. This applies to all types of alcohol, including all types of wine and beer. The advice is to avoid it altogether.
If you have concerns or questions about your diet and how it may affect your fertility, the best course of action is to consult your doctor. Although certain foods appear to play a positive role in fertility, it is important not to overestimate their abilities. Infertility is a complex matter, and so are its causes. Worrying about the foods one eats can cause stress, guilt, and shame. People trying to conceive often need to make sure the problem isn’t caused by something they ate or didn’t eat.
People with fertility issues usually look for a diet that boosts fertility, but Wilkinson says it’s generally better to eat a healthy diet. “In fertility chat rooms, there’s a lot of talk about pineapple being a magic food that can boost fertility if eaten by a woman trying to conceive. However, there isn’t a single food or supplement that does it.”
*All contents of the article are provided for general information only and should not be considered as a substitute for medical advice provided by healthcare professionals.HealthyH.
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