Saturday, March 1, 2025

Corona – Fifth wave and sixth sense


Released: 11/28/2021 (Last updated: 11/28/2021 at: 14:17)

Author: Editor-in-Chief / Dr. Nasser al-Laham

Palestinians have faced difficult and unexplained situations during the corona epidemics. The Bethlehem tourist area in particular was forced to wander long distances in early 2020.
The situation seems to be completely different these days. The public is becoming more aware, the government is more cautious in making improved decisions, and the virus is more intelligent and sophisticated.

Two years ago, a phrase spread due to Italian Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte, in which he said, “The earth is over, and it is up to the sky.” But it has now taken a different turn. It’s not easy for people to give up. Many do not even distinguish between business campaign and scientific positions.

The virtual world is full of attitudes and ideas. The United States was the first source of the idea of ​​rejecting vaccines. Those who initially opposed the idea of ​​closing and destroying trade rejected the idea that President Trump and his followers and the people should continue to wear masks. The matter spread to Europe until opposition to the World Health Organization’s recommendations.
The South African mutant revealed the extent of differences between the leaders of the international community and the greed of the pharmaceutical companies, with President Biden’s office yesterday demanding that the rights to the vaccine be nationalized and not privatized. To protect humanity (or to protect American trade and American interests).
The African alter ego revealed the magnitude of the mistakes the world has made over the past two years, and that those results are often improvised and sometimes absurd.
Many questions and missing answers. Some even say (the solutions of the great powers and the Western nations are over. It depends on the communities and the internal decisions of each community).
I repeat what I wrote on the first day of Corona’s appearance: Palestinian society is strong, united, interdependent and, unlike Western communities, can rely on times of distress and calamity, unlike the Israeli sect.

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Waiting to see what happens in the corridors of science labs and governments. Strengthening the immune system in every home and family has become a necessity for all generations. This will help us a lot in the coming difficult days.
Garlic – Citrus fruits – Leafy vegetables – Red pepper – Yogurt – Green tea – Ginger – and turmeric.

Nadia Barnett
Nadia Barnett
"Award-winning beer geek. Extreme coffeeaholic. Introvert. Avid travel specialist. Hipster-friendly communicator."

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