Reuters AMR Abdalla Dolsh
Amal Sahiyan
In a Chinese study, “the corona viruses in bats were associated with the virus that caused the SARS outbreak, but none were closely related to the virus that causes Govit-19.”
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According to published South China Morning PostStudies have shown that 142 types of corona viruses from bats’ tails are related to the virus that caused the SARS outbreak two decades ago, but none of them are closely related to the virus that caused Covit-19.
Researchers at the Institute of Pathological Biology in Beijing have collected and tested samples from more than 4,700 bats nationwide since January 2020, in a study uploaded to Research Square before it was printed on Monday.
“Recent research by Chinese researchers has focused on samples collected from more than 13,000 bats from 56 species in 14 provinces since 2016,” the South China Morning Post reported.
This is the first paper to provide basic information on the purpose of the bat model to identify the close ancestors of the virus that caused the COVID-19 conducted since the first detection of the outbreak in the central Chinese city of Wuhan in 2019.
Peter Tassak, a pathology ecologist who was part of the WHO China investigation earlier this year, said: “This is the first new sample I have seen from a group of well – known Chinese scientists about the SARS – related corona virus in China.
“Will China continue to do this kind of work? Well, yes, they do, and not only that, they will spread it,” he added.
Liu Ban Lit-man of the University of Hong Kong described the research work as “an important step in helping researchers reduce the number of areas and organisms that are close to viruses.”
In an unexplained study, the author Wu Xiqiang and the study group stated that “the closest ancestors of SARS-Cowie and SARS-Cowie-2 may have been in the Indochina Peninsula or widespread. South.”
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