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Protesters demand punishment for those responsible for the murder of former British footballer Dalian Atkinson.
British police have apologized to the family of former professional footballer Dalian Atkinson, who was shot in the head by a police officer who used an electric taser.
In a letter, West Marcia’s new police chief, Peppa Mills, said he was “deeply sorry” that Benjamin Monk, a police officer who was sentenced to eight years in prison for killing 48-year-old Atkinson in June for manslaughter. 2016..
“Police uniforms do not exempt police officers from acting outside the law or abusing their authority,” Mills added.
The family’s lawyer, Kate Maynard, said in a statement that the official apology was “welcome and delayed.”
Maynard said the monk’s sentence was the first such sentence for a working police officer in 30 years for murder for police duty.
Enquest, a charity that supports victims of state killings, said the monk’s sentence would be the first time a British police officer has been convicted of murdering a black man.
The former Aston Villa striker died in hospital shortly after his arrest in Delford, central England.
When he was arrested, police subjected him to electric shock, and Atkinson was suffering from a psychological crisis at the time.
Monk used the taser against Atkinson for 33 seconds, six times more than the time it took to do so, prosecutors said.
In Britain it is very rare for a police officer to be convicted of manslaughter or murder, such as death in custody or dealing with civilians.
Source: “The Associated Press”
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