Sharjah (Union)
The Algerian writer and novelist Ahlam Mosteganemi described herself as a causal writer whose most literary works speak of the problems and concerns of the Arab world, and that reputation was both punitive and true to her because she was a woman. He who is in the dark and believes that the writer cannot write under floodlights, and that his writing is in love, he points out that reflections and observations through his relationships and observations may change his opinion in this area according to his emotional expression.
This is part of the 40th session of the “Sharjah International Book Fair” hosted by Mustafa Al-Aqa, during which he met with his readers and fans entitled “The Reader is a Writer”.
During the session, Mosteganemi expressed his delight at participating in this important international event, noting that he had his most beautiful memories of the event held in Sharjah land, and in the previous session he left the exhibition with more than seven hours to sign up. At 1:30 pm, when Mustafa Aga responded to his comment about the beauty of his dress, he said that she was in Sharjah in Arab dress in honor of the Arab stronghold of the United Arab Emirates, and that it did not happen that she entered in Arab dress, when she went to cities like Constantine with special pride in her conscience. Is one of her special rituals.
Ahlam Mosteganemi and Mustafa Al-Aqa during the conversation session (Photos from source)
Mostaganemi said: “I live in a world of my readers rather than living with my family and children. After everyone who reads me becomes a writer, I read everything they write on my page. He wants to describe it as a way to recover from his tragedy. I have readers and followers from different countries of the Arab world, knowing that it can change someone’s life a little bit and dedicate a part of my time to its importance.
Speaking about social media platforms, Mosteganemi said, “I reluctantly entered the world of social media sites. Until recently, I was not the one who managed my pages. Due to the proliferation of many, I was forced to learn how to use them. The pages in my name, this world is not like me. ” Mostaganemi continued: “Technology has chased us and stole many beautiful pleasures from us, yet it has made us accessible to loved ones, but because of that we are allowed or defiled. There is no privacy. We live as if we are being chased. With a camera, I love my darkness, rather he Readers should be similar, not distinguished from them, which is what makes them love them.
He added: “I am more sensitive to the growing level of skepticism about its spread, and to review everything that has not reached millions of people today, real reviews of this case are necessary. That is, it makes no sense in science.” He also stressed that he did not accept any opportunity to use.
The Algerian novelist concluded his speech by saying: “I accept my reputation as a test of a blessing that God has honored me with, and I endeavor to bear as much as possible the worries of the Arab person and to be honest. And to avoid falling prey to slander, I have to document all the wars that have drained me.
“Coffee evangelist. Alcohol fanatic. Hardcore creator. Infuriatingly humble zombie ninja. Writer. Introvert. Music fanatic.”