Tuesday, March 4, 2025

A new translation of the novel “Siddhartha” by German Nobel laureate Hermann Hesse


Al-Karma Publishing House has published a new Arabic translation of the novel “Siddhartha” by German author Hermann Hesse, winner of the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1946, which is one of the most beautiful novels in German literature. Arabic by Samir Grace, the translator.

When the novel “Siddhartha” was published, the international American writer Henry Miller said about it: “Siddhartha is one of the most simple and profound books I have ever read in my life.”

Hesse’s famous and influential novel is perhaps the most important parable of our turbulent age, in which Hermann Hesse combines Eastern and Western spiritual traditions with psychoanalysis and philosophy. Written with deep sympathy for humanity, this simple and poignant story has touched the lives of millions since its publication in 1922.

The events of the novel “Siddhartha” revolve around the story of a young man who meets the Buddha in search of the Absolute Truth, and his quest leads him from a dissolute life to asceticism, from lust, wealth and fame to enlightenment and renunciation.

Siddhartha is a novel written by German Nobel laureate Hermann Hesse
Siddhartha is a novel written by German Nobel laureate Hermann Hesse

Samir Jries studied German literature and literature in Cairo and Mainz, Germany, and translated about forty contemporary literary works from German: Alfred Yelling’s “The Pianist” (Nobel 2004), Thomas Bernhard’s “Friendship”, “The Capital” by Robert Menassa, and Peter “Don Juan” by Handke (Nobel Prize 2019). He wrote a book on the German writer Günther Grass (Nobel 1999) entitled “Günther Grass and Confronting a Past That Doesn’t Go”.

The novel “The Promise” by Swiss writer Friedrich Turrenmatt was published by Al Karma Publishing House, “An Objective Report on the Happiness of a Morphine Addict” by Hans Fallada, the novel “A Dream” by Arthur Schnitzler and The. Ana Weber’s novel “The Epic of Annette”.

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Grace received the King Abdullah Bin Abdulaziz International Award for Translation, Individual Efforts Category, 2022, the Sheikh Hamad Award for Translation and International Understanding, the Goethe Institute Award for Literary Translation, 2018, the Experienced Translators Category, 2014, and the First Prize. 1996 Prize for translation of the story from the Supreme Council of Culture in Egypt.

Pandora Bacchus
Pandora Bacchus
"Coffee evangelist. Alcohol fanatic. Hardcore creator. Infuriatingly humble zombie ninja. Writer. Introvert. Music fanatic."

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