One of the most interesting questions about the solar system over the past five years raises: Is a large planet lurking in a vast orbit, in cold dark regions?
The answer may be elusive, but a new study reveals what the clues to the existence of a mysterious imaginary creature are.
Michael Rowan Robinson, an astronomer at Imperial College London in the United Kingdom, analyzed data collected by the Infrared Astronomical Satellite (IRAS) in 1983 and discovered three possible sources for Planet Nine.
This, as Rowan Robinson concludes in his pre-print paper, is unlikely to be an actual discovery, but the possibility is that the planet is attempting to confirm or disprove it for further targeted research modeled on its current location. Balance.
He wrote: “The poor quality of IRAS ‘findings, at the height of the survey, and in the most difficult part of the sky to detect distant infrared rays, made it very unlikely that the candidate would be real. It will be useful for you to be aware of both types of two word expressions.
Speculation about the existence of a hidden planet has been circulating outside the solar system for decades, but reached a new level in 2016 with the release of a paper suggesting new sources.
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Astronomers at the California Institute of Technology Mike Brown and Konstantin Pattijin found that small objects in the outer kyber belt of the solar system rotate strangely as if pushed by some large force of gravity.
And if so, it could be five to 10 times the mass of the Earth, orbiting at a distance of 400 and 800 AU (one AU is the average distance between the Earth and the Sun).
This material is very distant, it is very small and cold and does not reflect much sunlight; Also, we do not know where he is in the vast sky.
The IRAS operated for 10 months from January 1983 with 96% distant infrared scanning of the sky. At this wavelength, small and elegant objects such as Planet Nine can be detected, so Rowan Robinson decided to re-analyze the data using parameters compatible with Planet Nine.
Of the approximately 250,000 points discovered by the satellite, only three are interested in being a candidate for Planet Nine. In June, July and September 1983, the satellite captured an object moving across the sky.
The region of the sky where the source appears is located at a lower galactic latitude (i.e., closer to the level of the galaxy) and is strongly affected by galaxy clouds, which are glowing fiber clouds of distant infrared color.
Rowan Robinson notes that another high-sensitivity study, the Panoramic Survey Telescope and the Rapid Response System (Pan-STARRS), which has been in operation since 2008, failed to recover the filter.
However, if we explain that the filter is real, we can expand on some information about Planet Nine. According to IRAS data, it is three to five times the mass of Earth, about 225 AU in orbit.
The motion of the source across the sky also gives us an idea of the planet’s orbit, which now tells us where we can see the sky and other data such as Pan-STARRS.
Rowan Robinson wrote: “Dynamic studies are needed to verify that this object is compatible with the astronomical angles of other objects in the Solar System. It is useful to examine optical and infrared wavelengths in a radius loop.
The research article is on the arXiv prepress server and has been approved for publication. Announcements Monthly Magazine of the Royal Astronomical Society.
Source: Scientific warning
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