In its daily report, the Meteorological Commission revealed details of the weather for the next 6 days after the start of school entry, and the country’s temperature is expected to rise during that period, so the heat will be hotter during the day, moderate at night, and the country will see significant wind movement and more in the early morning Be in the water, and all parents must be careful and follow is consistent with the statements of authority, the beginning of the course and the return of the children to school.
Weather forecast for the next 6 days
According to the General Meteorological Commission, temperatures will rise slightly in all parts of the country this week, causing milder weather during the day, moderate at night, Cairo, lower Egypt, southern Sinai and northern upper Egypt, hotter during the day on the north coast, and northerly on the southern coast. The weather in Egypt is very hot during the day, moderate at night, and the temperature rises to two to three degrees.
On the other hand, while the country is witnessing, dense water fog will form until seven in the morning, and fog will form on agricultural and desert roads leading to the North Coast and Greater Cairo. , As well as areas close to water and farm bodies, where wind movement is active in southern Sinai and Greater Cairo during the day, and some areas, such as the West Coast, will experience intermittent light rain, increasing the chances of light rain by 20% to even 30% in certain areas, which is why parents Be careful of weather fluctuations, especially at the beginning of the study. In schools.
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