(MENAFN- Al-Anbaa) Social networking platform company “Twitter” launched its paid subscription service “Twitter Blue” in 20 additional countries in Europe including Netherlands, Poland, Ireland, Belgium, Sweden, Romania and Czech Republic.
The website TechCrunch, which specializes in technical issues, pointed to the number of countries where the “Twitter Blue” service has increased to 35 countries around the world since it was launched last October for an $8 monthly subscription.
Later, the company added new features to users of the “Twitter Blue” service, such as the ability to broadcast videos of up to 60 minutes and tweets up to 4,000 characters long, giving them priority in conversations. Also provides service features. Like editing tweets and reading related topics.
To increase the number of subscribers to the paid service, Twitter offers an annual subscription for $84. In the past few weeks, Twitter also introduced an annual subscription for $114 for users of iOS and Android operating systems for smart devices.
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