Tuesday, March 4, 2025

8 Factors That Increase The Risk Of Colon Cancer..Avoid It Immediately


The most important of these factors are lifestyle and eating habits, which can reduce the risk of developing cancer. Colon And rectum, by following a set of steps.

Although people over the age of 50 are at high risk, there is evidence that the incidence of colon cancer in childhood is increasing, due to certain preventable risk factors, including diet.

The “lazy” lifestyle

Research has shown that sitting for long periods of time is a risk factor for many cancers. Colon cancer. On the other hand, studies have shown that physical activity has a protective effect because it helps reduce the risk of developing this type of cancer.

Experts currently recommend exercising for a few hours each week by walking, exercising, lifting weights or anything else that raises your heart rate.

“Increase your physical activity,” said Angie Davis, head of colon cancer control. Get at least 150 minutes of moderate activity or 75 minutes of intense activity each week.“.

Lack of fiber, fruits and vegetables

Studies have shown that what you eat is a major factor in your risk of colon cancer. Fruit Vegetables and whole grains help to get enough fiber, which is an important nutrient for preventing chronic diseases such as cancer..

“Fiber is important because it continues to work,” Davis said Digestion It also reduces inflammation which can lead to cancer and other diseases“.

“Regardless of your eating habits, it is important that plant foods make up two-thirds of your plate to prevent cancer,” he said.

Eat lots of red meat and saturated fats

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When that appears Vegetarian foods Some evidence that vegetables prevent colon cancer, animal products, etc. Red meat Treatment has the opposite effect, increasing the risk of many diseases, especially heart disease and colon cancer..

Experts recommend consuming red meat a few times a week and avoiding foods such as pork, sausage and cold meats..

“If you want to eat red meat, do not eat more than 12-18 ounces a week, and avoid processed meat as much as possible,” Davis said.

Excessive alcohol consumption

It is considered Alcohol According to the American Cancer Society, a known cancer, or cancer, increases the risk of developing many types of cancer..

It is not yet clear how safe alcohol is, although some studies have found that drinking unsafe alcohol may increase the risk of cancer..


Known as Smoking Can cause CancerBut the risk is not just for your lungs because it also greatly increases the risk of colon cancer. Davis advised,Avoid smoking completely.

High body mass index

May be BMI (BMI) Or height and weight ratio, another clue to your risk of colon cancer, according to Davis.

Several studies have found that an increased risk of colon cancer is associated with a BMI of 25 (considered overweight) or 30 (overweight range), with some evidence that the risk level doubles in those with a higher BMI. ..

Other medical conditions

Your general health and the health of your digestive system can be particularly affected by the chances of developing colon cancer..

According to the CDC, inflammatory bowel disease andCrohn’s disease Ulcerative colitis affects the intestine and is more likely to cause colon cancer.

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Regardless of other risk factors such as body mass index and exercise habits, type 2 diabetes is associated with a higher risk..


Heredity plays a role in the risk of cancer, so it is important to be aware of the family history of colon cancer or colon polyps (developing within the digestive system).

And because of genetics and other factors, even if you have a healthy lifestyle, a person can develop colon cancer, so it is important to be aware of your risks and be constantly screened, Davis says..

He added, “We have met many patients, especially those suffering from colon cancer andRectum At a young age, he followed the recommendations of a healthy lifestyle to prevent cancer, but received it. Lifestyle changes are important, but they do not take the place of screening. “

Nadia Barnett
Nadia Barnett
"Award-winning beer geek. Extreme coffeeaholic. Introvert. Avid travel specialist. Hipster-friendly communicator."

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