Meteor shower
The National Institute for Astronomical Research in Egypt released an emergency report on Friday night at 9pm in response to the controversy over the alleged event taking place in Egyptian skies.
The company said that the skies of Egypt will see meteor showers, which are considered wonderful and beautiful events in viewing, observing and photographing, which is an astronomical event awaited by all amateur astronomers and those interested in this field.
Ashraf Dadros, professor of astronomy at the National Institute for Astronomical Research and former head of the Department of Astronomy, said the Orionites meteor shower is one of the average annual meteor showers awaited by amateur astronomers around the world.
Tadros said the meteor shower would reach 20 meteors at its peak.
The best conditions for watching meteor showers are usually after midnight in a dark place far away from city lights, if the sky is clear and free of dust and clouds.
The astronomy professor noted that this year the full moon will cause a problem to be seen in large numbers because the moonlight obscures most of the faint meteorites.
The meteorites of Orion are the result of the entry into the Earth of the dust of the famous Halley’s comet burning in the form of a meteorite in the Earth’s atmosphere.
Meteors fall as if they came from the Orion galaxy, which is the reason for its name, but they can appear anywhere else in the sky.
Orionites meteorites are active from October 2 to November 7 each year, and they are not strong meteor showers and are not known to form meteor storms.
Orionites meteorites are called very fast meteorites because they flow through the atmosphere at a speed of 66 kilometers per second. And it breaks into pieces.
Source: Egyptian media
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